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Human Resource Management


All staff are required to undergo police checks to ensure that they are of good character and all staff who have contact with children must also obtain a Working With Children card. However, all staff are encouraged to obtain a Working With Children card even if they are not in regular contact with children.

Staff have a yearly performance review with the major aim of this review to identify any skill development and training needs of individual staff. FIRS has a professional development budget that is provided to allow staff to maintain and develop their skills. In addition, the management of FIRS recognises that some staff belong to professional associations or are required to meet certain professional development standards and these staff are encouraged fulfil the necessary requirements to maintain membership.

FIRS recognises the importance of staff keeping up to date with issues and trends relating to their role and that this helps to ensure that service provision is appropriate and of the highest quality. With this in mind staff are encouraged to seek out training or to upgrade their skills and qualifications. This can involve attending training, further education, networking with other service providers and supervision.


Policies and Procedures


FIRS has a range of policies and procedures in place to ensure a relevant and high quality service is provided and to manage risks to staff and service users. These policies include:

  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy:  including an annual health and safety audit, fire and emergency protocols, equipment use, personal security and managing critical incidents

  • Paid Staff and Volunteers: including recruitment and selection of staff, conditions of employment, job descriptions, performance reviews, code of behaviour and professional development/training

  • Administration; Records management, operating hours, financial management and accountability, security and accountability procedures.

  • Information Technology: use by staff and volunteers, document security, records management, training, internet use and management.

  • Governance:


These policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated by staff and formally endorsed by the Board. All staff meet on a monthly basis to discuss and address issues and risks as well identify solutions to these issues. If necessary these issues may also be forwarded to the Board to be addressed, for feedback and endorse develop policies:


  • Conflict of interest and confidentiality

  • Regular review of policies and procedures

  • Monthly staff meetings to discuss issues and risks

  • Staff meet requirements for accreditation including training and supervision requirements


Corporate Governance


FIRS is an, incorporated, non-profit organisation that was set up by community members in 1992 to develop and provide easily accessible support services to individuals and families living within the City of Kalamunda. It is a registered charity with the Australian Charity and Not for Profits Commission and has PBI and DGR status for tax purposes. It is still successfully run by a Community Board of Management. Current services provided comprise a full time Financial Counselling Service, Emergency Relief service and Supported Developmental Playgroup. FIRS also host other services that operate within our premises such as an Autism playgroup.  


The organisation operates under a constitution that is registered with the Department of Commerce. The Board of Management operates within the bounds of the constitution which outlines the rules that must be followed. The Board currently consists of five members who have various backgrounds including local government representatives, school teacher, community members and members of other community service organisations.


The Board meets on a monthly basis to ensure that the organisation is running satisfactorily and meeting its fiduciary obligations as well as the requirements of the funding bodies and clients. It receives monthly financial and programme reports to monitor the organisations progress, identify any issues or problems and assist in future planning. Board members are encouraged to undertake training in governance for not for profit associations new Board members are provided with a formal induction.


The organisation has a set of strong policies regarding the operations of the Board and governance. These policies and procedures include, roles and responsibilities, conflict of interest, lines of communication, decision making processes and codes of behaviour.


FIRS has received funding from the State Government to provide services within the City of Kalamunda since 1994. It has provided these services on a continuous basis and there have been no issues regarding any aspect of service provision or with organisational governance raised by the funding provider.


FIRS has the necessary Public Liability, Professional Indemnity and Worker’s Compensation Insurance in place as required by the Funding Agreement as well as Voluntary Workers Insurance. The organisation does not own any vehicles and where necessary staff use their own vehicles for work related travel. Staff are only permitted to use their own vehicle if it is currently registered and has comprehensive insurance.

FIRS engages an insurance broker to facilitate the purchase of all our insurances and to provide necessary advice regarding insurance coverage. A review of all insurances is carried out annually with the insurance broker to ensure all insurances are relevant and provide the required coverage in line with our Funding Agreements, legislative requirements and the risk profile of the organisation.

Strategic Planning


In 2011 FIRS engaged a consultant to conduct a major strategic review of the organisation and facilitate the development of a long term comprehensive strategic plan. The strategic plan was completed and formally adopted by the Board in October 2011. The Board has been committed to working in line with the strategic plan with the aim of improving service delivery as well as expanding the range of services FIRS provides. The Board has also regularly reviewed how it is meeting the aims and objectives of the strategic plan as an ongoing agenda item at future Board meetings. FIRS is now in the process of updating the Strategic Plan with the aim of implementing a new Strategic Plan.


Financial Management


FIRS employs an independent Financial Administrator to oversee the day to day financial management of the organisation. The Financial Administrator is required to have a relevant accounting qualification and knowledge on reporting and accounting practices for non-profit organisations.  The Financial Administrator reports directly to the Treasurer and submits a monthly report to the Board of Management. The Financial Administrator works under the guidance of the financial management policies and procedures which FIRS has in place. In addition, the Financial Administrator liaises with the Treasurer and service coordinators to develop annual budgets, provide annual reports and produce necessary reports as required under our Funding Agreements.

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